COA Dues


2024 COA Dues = $240 per month

Effective April 1, 2024.

Late fee will begin accruing on June 1, 2024

What happens if I don’t pay my dues?

If homeowners do not pay their dues on time, the COA Board can collect late fees. These steps are necessary to keep the community’s budget on track.

Note: If you currently have an outstanding balance from a previous year(s), please contact us via phone or email for a current balance as we are preparing to turn your account over to our COA attorney for additional fees, liens, and foreclosure.

What are the benefits of living in an HOA community?

The COA board ensures that homes and common areas are beautiful and well-maintained. As a result, homes in COA communities typically enjoy higher and more stable property values. In an effort to increase or stabilize property values in the community, homeowners will have to abide by the strict rules and regulations imposed by the association. These rules are outlined in the community’s covenants and restrictions, by-laws, and governing documents found on the By-Laws page.